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The Real Ghost Stories

Ghosts In Germany 

This is my first time sharing a ghost story

I have had several experiences in my life but these are the ones I had in Germany. I have always been sensitive to "feeling" things in the spiritual realm

I've never been a scared type of person

I have always had a strong faith that God loves me and will protect me from evil. When I was 21 years old I was married to a guy in the military stationed in Osterholz, Germany

I settled in to the apartment and started attending a church

Whether or not my husband was deployed, I always went to church. I met a girl from the church there who's husband was on a similar deployment schedule and, as the two of us were often alone and we didn't have children, we decided to spend some time together while our husbands were away. She invited me over to their apartment to spend the night so I brought my clothes and we stayed up watching movies her mother had sent her on VHS

(Anyone remember those?) Then we got ready for bed after talking and giggling and sharing stories about growing up

We'd had a good night

She only had one bed and I slept in it with her. That night I felt uneasy

I've never been afraid, you understand

I am often alone when my husband is on deployment and am NEVER afraid

That night, even with her in the same room and in the same bed..

I was becoming increasingly afraid

I felt things in the room

It's hard to explain

I tucked the covers up around my chin and peeped out into the darkness and I saw things floating around the room! I swear it was like something from a movie

I thought no this can't be..

And I shut my eyes and counted to 10 and opened my eyes but they were still there! They seemed to know that I was noticing them and they started swirling around towards me and spiraling and twisting and some were fast and some were just hovering but the room was full of them

I was so completely petrified I could not move

I covered my head with the blanket and lay completely covered up and not moving at all the entire night. In the light of day I didn't mention it

I just wanted out of there

Surely if my friend had experienced this kind of thing she would have told me or warned me or mentioned something

She never said anything about it as we got dressed to go into town

I was exhausted from not having slept and I didn't say much. Our husbands came back from deployment and we didn't talk for a few weeks

Finally she called me and she said they were in town and would like to come by

I invited them for dinner and after dinner we were sitting around the living room and she told me they had moved into a new place

I said, "Why did you move?" She said there were ghosts in their apartment or some kind of spirits

I said, "Why do you say that?" My heart started pounding

She said because 3-4 times a week the clock chimes at 3 a.m

They had an old German chiming clock with pendulum

She said even when they stop the clock from moving before they go to bed..

It still chimes at 3 am but no other time

Then she said..

They have seen spirits swirling around their apartment in the night and they've prayed over the house and they've anointed the house with oil and they can't make it go away and now they're moving. By now I have tears in my eyes


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:44 AM

Nice part
